Sunday, July 28, 2013

Three legged friend of mine.

My camera finally has a firm place to rest on. A little platform to screw its bottom onto. 
A place with many knobs to turn.

My camera is tall now. 
Said camera is sturdy now. 
It's independent of me now. 

Woot Woot!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Her eyes

When I point the camera at my friends, I find them making pathetic attempts at hiding behind their bags or the closest person they can find. I used to let out a disappointed sigh and simply put the camera away after these involuntary camouflaging responses to camera stimuli. But I've begun to notice that there's scope for more than just disappointment.

Without all the other distracting features of a human face, taking photos of these cheeky friends poking their heads above their cover with hopeful eyes is my latest fascination. The trick is to focus on their eyes quick enough before they dive back under. Here are some.