Friday, June 26, 2015

Animals of Ranthambore

Male sambar deer


Spotted deer

Domestic pig(let)

 Marsh Crocodile


Human being

Wild boar

Male nilgai

Indian gazelle

Monitor lizard

Female sambar deer

Birds of Ranthambore

Magpie robin

Jungle babler

Peacocks displaying

Black/king drongos

Redwattled lapwing

Redvented bulbul

Large egret

Brahminy starling

Tree pie

Chestnut-shouldered petronia

Painted stork

Stone curlew (Thickney)

Collared owl


Paradise flycatcher

Common peafowl

Roseringed parakeets

Pitta (Navrang)

Blackwinged stilt

Hawk cukoo