Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Day 10 - Nicobar Diaries

18th November 2017, Haddo Warf

This was my last day in Port Blair before heading off to Campbell Bay in Great Nicobar, and it was a long one. I started the day making long lists of things to do, buy and pack before getting on that ship. I also had to find good network and internet to send some emails to the officials at Campbell Bay confirming my arrival dates (now that I had tickets) and follow them up with phone calls to account for all bureaucratic and internet-related inefficiencies in Great Nic.

I had also discovered two things:
1. My scooter was giving me great mileage.
2. I wouldn't be allowed to load my scooter onto the ship if it still had petrol swishing inside its fuel tank.

I decided to set out early and run all my errands in a non-parsimonious order so as to use up maximum fuel since I filled her up entirely like a fool yesterday. Since I didn't know about photocopy machines and printers in Campbell Bay just yet, I also got some data sheets and permit letters in place. Since the island authorities keep track of every new person to set foot on the island, I also got my photo taken, so I could attach it to my application. It turned out blurry-eyed and sweaty, with large patches under my pits thanks to the sweltering day and my running around.

The cargo ticket said I needed to be at the loading docks by 5 pm. I hurriedly finished all my work by then and reached Haddo. This is a fairly large dockyard from which the heavier passenger and cargo vessels leave. It has multiple entries - all leading up to the same places - but open at varying times. It has broad walkways and cement platforms, large enough for trucks and cranes of immense girth to pass through. Having to walk from one end of the docks to the other takes forever, and the expanse of platform seems never ending. It's got 30-foot-long shipping containers piled up in colourful columns to one side, which I've only been trained to look at as a potential site for an action/horror film shoot.

I had to sign myself and the scooter into the docks, providing the necessary paperwork, and was then let in. Once I got there, though, I found four others with their two-wheelers, making multiple rounds of the wharf to use up their remainder petrol. My tank was so far from empty, I felt even sillier. I needed to find a way to manually empty it there itself, now that I had done the long-drawn entry procedures. In addition, I was told that it would easily be another three hours before the crew would get around to loading our bikes. These would be the last cargo to go in, after all the other inter-island supplies, that came with their own sarkari paperwork which had to be checked by the Captain.

In all that time waiting and twiddling thumbs at the dock, I made conversation (dare I say friends?) with the Captain and few men from the crew. They were all pretty helpful and sympathetic about everything taking so long. Two others who had a little too much fuel in their tank used mine (with the most petrol) to scout for pipes and bottles that we could use to suck out the excess. I had nearly two liters still inside, which was great news for mileage and scooter potential, but a real pain at the docks that evening. The yellow fluid was like precious gold, and everyone stood clutching theirs cautiously so as not to mix it up and end up with less than their rightful share. Once the accessible petrol had been drained, we left our scooters on and running to burn up any traces that may still be there. The Captain would walk by, rock our bikes side to side and give us a disapproving shake of his head if he felt any swivel. My conscience burned with the petrol.

It was past 8:30 and very dark by the time our tanks were dry and in line to be loaded. I walked the scooter up a narrow, angled plank into the bottom of the ship, now filled with vegetables, fruits, mechanical parts, fish stock and other supplies. After watching these things being transported into the ship's hold for nearly four hours, I was amazed to see so much room still available. I then strapped my scooter in with scrap ropes to some potato crates and left after saying hearty byes to the crew and others at the dock, as though I'd known them for years.

Since it was already so late, I had long missed the last bus heading home. I requested Ravi, ANET's trusty cabbie, to come and get me. I got back to the base at nearly 10. I gave Sachin (another researcher) all my extra free fuel for which he gave me a rare smile, had some cold dinner, packed up my bags and crashed.

Lots to come.

Sunday, April 28, 2019

PCOS - Periodic Curtailment of Sanity

It's now been twelve years since I was diagnosed with PCOS. While I've come to accept and live with it wholeheartedly, I still send a loving barrage of disappointed expletives to my uterus every month. Or every other month. Or every few months. Or twice a month. All dependent on how often my ovaries choose to throw a physiological tantrum.

PCOS, or Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome is a complex hormonal disorder which affects about 1 in 5 women in India, albeit in very different ways. Even though it's something so frightfully common (where mentioning I have PCOS triggers multiple, "so do I!" responses among my female friend circles) it is widely misunderstood, or simply not understood. Put lightly, PCOS is an imbalance in the release of 'male' and 'female' hormones. Often those with PCOS have higher levels of androgen and testosterone which throws the regular 28-day menstrual cycle off whack. Periods become irregular or may not come at all. The ovaries often collect fluid in and around their developing eggs, forming cysts. Because of this, the cysterhood of eggs stick together and may not release into the uterus in a timely manner.

This syndrome (or way of life, as I have come to know it) could occur due to increased androgen levels or genetics (brought to you by sexual-selection-avoiding humans). Both these leave you predisposed to PCOS, at times manageable through stringently maintained, painfully healthy lifestyles.

While it's difficult to explain exactly what's going on inside my body to someone who's never had to deal with PCOS - or in the case of men, with periods itself - it's actually pretty straight forward. PCOS could lead to irregular/scanty/heavy/no periods. It could manifest as acne, hair loss, weight gain (hello, my puberty), facial hair or the inability to conceive. However, it doesn't mean every woman has to put up with them all. I have to deal with weight gain, hair loss and severe cramping regardless of whether an egg descends from my ovaries that month or not. Someone else may break out with acne despite being twenty years out of their teenager phase and still have just the right amount of adipose. Fact of the matter is, it's a pain and we don't know what's going on with our bodies either. Sadly, in the long run, PCOS isn't just a monthly bother. It could pave the way to obesity, heart disease, infertility or diabetes.

While my reproductive organs down there are taking holidays and see-sawing on imbalanced hormones, my brain wallows in confusion and disorientation. PCOS causes mental and physiological stress, since the body is constantly trying to cope with unpredictable cycles, fluctuations and discomfort. In addition, it leaves one vulnerable to depression, anxiety and eating disorders. I've been battling with societal depictions of what the ideal woman ought to look and feel like for years on end, and body positivity does not come easily. How can I love my body when it feels like it doesn't love me? It's a cyclic conundrum, just like my primary dysmenorrhea (the uterus never stops throwing curve balls).

Having symptoms crop up through the cycle (or another non-round shape) each month has taken me down many a Google search, desperate for answers, solutions or comfort. But all this has ever done is is feed my reason for worry. I've assumed the worst, like ovarian cancer, convinced myself of parthenogenic pregnancy or thought I was abnormally messed up in the lady parts. Fact of the matter remains that a gynecologist is always the one to provide maximum emotional comfort - provided you find a non-judgmental one. Since PCOS affects each woman so differently, it's terribly hard to find universal symptoms online - or even the right combination - to fit everything you're going through perfectly. Only a gynecologist can listen to your woes, look you in the ovaries and assure you that it'll be alright (maybe with a little customised treatment and exercise). No matter how much inertia there may be, it helps to visit one, just for the peace of mind if not solutions. You'll be okay. I'll be okay. The entire cysterhood will be okay. Not great, but we'll take what we get, just like our PCOS.

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Day 9 - Nicobar Diaries

17th November 2017, Phoenix Bay

I woke up before my 3 am alarm and was ready at 3:30 am. Paranoia began to set in and so, I left for Phoenix Bay. I rode in the dark by the aid of my new headlight earlier than necessary. It started to rain a little near Manjery, but I braced myself and kept going. By about 4:30 am, I had reached Bathu Basti, where I stopped to withdraw money. Chandni (our coordinator back in Bangalore) felt bad about my funding being held up and wired a little bit over to me for the time being so I could buy ship tickets for my scooter and me. Street lights began coming on around then, although I wondered why they’d turn them on now only to switch them off half an hour later.

[If you're not sure of what's happening in today's post, read about Day 8 here.]

I got to Phoenix bay before 5 am but discovered I wouldn’t be allowed inside until 5:15 am. I had to patrol restlessly outside till then while the two cops on duty tried to figure out why I had bothered coming so damn early. They wanted to know why I came all the way from Wandoor myself at an ungodly hour when I could have paid someone else to do it for me.

The ticketing business opens up all kinds of job niches. There are people you can hire to stand in line physically for you until they’re nearly at the counter when you can take over from them. There are agents you can employ to pull a bunch of shady strings to get you the seat you want. There are sneak-approach individuals who will make their way through the entrance when the counters open and plead with the first few in line to buy an extra ticket for them. Apart from these, there are the supporting figures who come by very early to sell tea and water to those in line. The counter opens at 9:00 am. At first sight of the guards/policemen/policewomen who open up the main door at 8:30, riotous excitement bubbles from within the three queues (women, men, elderly).

The human rush this time around was not as much as my last couple of attempts. I was, however, stuck behind a slightly older woman in a thick nylon kurta. She reeked. To the high heavens - of sweat far too potent to be fresh. To top it off, fumes of saliva and tobacco hit me in waves every time she turned towards me. It was a bad day to be downwind. I put my head down and tried to focus on my book and umpteenth cup of chai. Three and a half hours after the absolute assault to my senses, we were let inside where the B. O. diluted into a large volume of cooler air.

The room we’re let into for ticketing is quite spacious with multiple air conditioners (all functioning on ‘fan’ mode, so it’s more breeze than coolness) and 10-15 different counters. Each counter deals with a different travel route, further divided into the same three categories of age and sex. To be fair, the cops controlling the crowds alternate between the men, women and senior citizens when letting people into the sought-after counters.

The race for a place in the ultimate line inside the room is a battle of wits, experience and human resource. Families will bring out their biggest guns to secure a bunk for their members. These guns are often the most frail of their elderly, made to stand in the shortest of the three lines and thereby, reach the counter first. I’ve seen 40-somethings in their worn sarees and cracked spectacles trying to wiggle their way into the ‘Senior’ queue only to be caught and sent to the back of the other overflowing lines.

At precisely 9 am, they decided to turn on the computers, but the computer at my counter wouldn’t come on. A gradual congregation of employees assembled around the CPU, muttering incoherently to each other, muffled by the thick glass between us and them. They were laughing, cracking jokes, looking at their phones and passively hitting the power button over and over again to no avail. Finally, one of them went off and returned with a screw driver. He took the cover off of the CPU and then… began hitting the power button once more, only now with the hood off. Watching this unfold after four hours in queue made my knees angry. Another fifteen minutes of them pretending to fix the issue, they opened up the next counter for us and I got a ticket! I always have a relieved-yet-deliriously-happy smile on my face after getting a ticket. Few other endeavours are as fulfilling in the end.

Now that I had a place to lay my head for two days at sea, I had to buy some cargo space for the scooter. I knocked against a closed glass door behind which I could see people drinking tea and reclining leisurely for a while before I was attended to. They didn’t realize that Coral Queen would be sailing on Sunday. Once they confirmed that this was the case, they handed me all the paperwork to fill out in triplicate (how much does a scooter weigh? Without any internet, I had to get a friend from mainland to Google it and tell me it was about 110 kg).

Got out of there in a victorious flash. Stopped at Bathu Basti for breakfast and then went right back to ANET. I indulged in a rare but well-earned afternoon nap and slept through lunch. It was wonderful.

When I woke up, I took the scooter down to ghumai and caught up on some phone calls. Things were finally falling into place - I was leaving on Sunday and it felt good to have a concrete plan. Scary, but good. I’m going to miss everyone.

Over dinner, I was very seriously asked to come back intermittently, saying that I’d get unbearably lonely if I didn’t. Maybe they’re right.

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Day 8 - Nicobar Diaries

16th November 2017, Phoenix Bay

Visited Phoenix Bay today since the Directorate of Shipping Services (DSS) was being absolutely useless.

Phoenix Bay is where one has to go to book tickets for inter-island ships. It's an ancient first-come-first-serve process, where islanders and visitors far exceeding the number of available seats queue up outside the office at least three hours before the counter opens in hope of securing a bunk out at sea. When I was there for my recce in June 2017, it took three attempts and a cumulative effort of 15 hours of standing in sweaty lines before I got a ticket aboard the M. V. Campbell Bay to Great Nicobar. 

Ship timings are erratic, as are the schedules for when the single ship designated to the route you're interested in leaves the Bay. A couple of days before the ship is to set sail, a short ad is put in the 2-page local newspaper 'The Daily Telegrams*' following which, a mad rush of people gather outside the booking office a day before departure.
After combing through the Daily Telegrams every morning in the hope of finding a ship that leaves soon and trying to get through to the DSS that simply responded with a bored, "We will advertise when there is a ship leaving" I figured going to Phoenix Bay in person was the only option. Sure enough, there was a ship for Sunday (19th) and tickets for it would be sold on 17th - tomorrow! I called Naushad immediately and decided to get the scooter from him today itself so that I could ride it to the office earlier than the first bus from ANET and ensure that I get a ticket.

Dayani (who had motor-biked me into town) and I ate at Golden Dragon near Gol Ghar. It's a very homely place tucked away on the first floor, enclosed behind a grill door that is opened only if you ring their doorbell. A Chinese couple moved to Port Blair and started this restaurant there, although it feels like they've had to 'Indianise' their food regardless!

Around 4 pm, I bought the scooter. I was extremely excited and felt like the adrenaline of having to stand in line tomorrow had already kicked in. I even bought some snacks for the queue, keeping in mind how hungry I got in the past. I made sure all the papers were in place and left. I spent some time in Garacharma filling up the fuel tank and fixing up new mirrors. It was nearly 5 pm by the time I headed back to ANET. Darkness fell as I was nearing Manglutan and my headlights flickered weakly to a stop. There are no streetlights along that stretch, and a tiny Ishika sitting in my chest let out an internal scream. I made slow progress inching towards a tiny market along the way making use of when other vehicles passed me with their high beams and squinting in the moonlight. Luckily I found a place where I could buy a new bulb and convinced a closing mechanic to fix it up for me. It was nearly dinner time when I got back.

James** really liked the bike and thinks I got it for a steal, given the condition it's in. He played the guess-how-much-this-scooter-costs game with whoever he could find and beamed in his subtle James-like manner when its price was overestimated.

I was exhausted post-dinner and decided to turn in quickly despite the going-away party for a snake researcher who had been around for the past week. Since I had to be up and about for tomorrow's ticketing, I didn't face much resistance.

Before turning in, we had a short gathering at the dinner table about ANET's plan to have an 'open house' of sorts, where the base would be thrown open to all the residents living around it. There's always been a vague question-mark air among our neighbours in Wandoor about what all of us do at ANET. There will be stalls and props and visual representations of all the work that goes on behind our gates (which in reality are rarely kept closed). It's on the 14th of Feb next year and seems like a genuinely great idea. I hope I can come back to be part of it.


*The Daily Telegrams is a double-page newspaper that is circulated within Port Blair. We usually read it a day late, since one of the ANET staff who lives nearby is the only one who subscribes. He brings it to us a day after his family is done reading it. The front page usually has very local news about ceremonies held, some politics, often a programme where someone was awarded a book or certificate, etc. The two pages inside have ads, vacancies, obituaries, birthday wishes and other birth-wedding-death announcements. The last page has some sports news and notices about shipping schedules. It's the cutest 4 sides of islandic information you'd ever come across.

**James is a beautiful man who has been part of the ANET field staff for many years. He's extremely curious and intelligent, and loses no opportunity to learn more about natural history. He can ID plants and birds better than most people (researchers included) on-base. All this being said, he's extremely modest and hard to impress, which means you have to have spotted something super rare to get his eyes to widen a millimeter more than their usual size.

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Day 7 - Nicobar Diaries

15th November 2017, Bazaar

The whole Cotton's college gang and anyone else who was awake at ANET went for a bird walk (I'm realizing most days have begun this way). By the time everyone was up and ready and full of chai, it was sunny and too hot for real birding. Akshay and I skedaddled by 7:15 am since we had some stuff to get done in town. Also, Akshay had to reach the bazaar in time to buy a ticket to Baratang. It was going to be a while before I'd see him again, so I tagged along even on menial tasks.

We managed to get a ticket and had a little time to kill until the bus was to leave, around 12:30. We had multiple coffees and he shared some wisdom about owning, riding and maintaining a scooter.

Even though there are a bunch of people at ANET even now, it felt pretty empty after he left. I guess that's the difference between small talk and real talk. 

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Day 6 - Nicobar Diaries

14th November 2017, ANET

I spent much of the day on campus at ANET. Worked on all my remaining datasheet-related tasks, which wasn't much, and finished writing up the proposal for Chandan and Paro's 'Pakke in Macro' film. 
About 3-4 months ago, two forest rangers from Pakke Tiger Reserve came to the National Centre for Biological Sciences (NCBS) to screen a film that they had made on-foot in Pakke. It was extremely impressive, especially since all the footage in it was shot by forest guards who were patrolling the area. They knew the land closely, and captured behaviours that a visiting filmmaker probably wouldn't have the chance to witness. Chandan and Paro, the two primary filmmakers of the screened documentary were truly enjoying their cinematographic learning, and were keen to make a follow-up film shot entirely in 'macro'. For this, they needed funds, equipment and someone who could help getting them. I offered to be that person. I had been working with their ideas and wish lists for a proposal, which I finally put together today.
With some scrounging for internet, I finally managed to send it off. A huge tick off of my to-do list. I don't know why I end up doing a multitude of tasks when I already have a lot else to do, but not when I'm perfectly free and available to tackle tasks in a timely manner.

By late afternoon I was mighty restless. I felt trapped and suffocated, like a month had passed since I left Bangalore. I decided to take a walk up to ghumai and get a samosa or something - anything to get OUT.

Spoke to Chandy on the way down. He's still waiting for permits, but is enjoying the birding, falling in love with the sunrises and swooning over the new-found skies in the Himalayas. I'm slowly starting to realise how much I care for all these guys, and how long these six months apart are really going to be especially after our constant co-existence for the past three semesters.

By the time I got back, Dr. Narayan Sharma (a former PhD student of Rana's*) and his students from Cotton University had arrived at ANET for the night. These students are of the first batch of the course for which Narayan is Head-in-Charge. He is clearly well-respected and admired, especially because of how hard he is trying to provide these students with as many experiences and perspectives as possible. He's the sole permanent faculty at Cotton's right now, and this can't be easy for him.

We spent about an hour before dinner doing introductions and speaking about our (all the researchers on base) ongoing or prospective projects. For a bunch of 20- and 21-year-olds who had had a full day of travel and no food in their bellies, they were extremely patient.

I had a long chat with Narayan after dinner. With his calm demeanor, pot belly and pollo t-shirt, he reminded me of Rana. He discussed the social angle of my project quite extensively and said he would send me a textbook on survey methods which covers the entire process - including how to prepare a questionnaire. It was lovely to have an ecologist-primatologist so keen to discuss the 'people' aspect of my work, since I still had the least guidance in that regard, and I didn't want to mess it up due to unintentional ignorance. He's an extremely warm and gentle person, and I can sense why Rana thinks of him so dearly.

Before turning in, a few of us went out on an owl search once more with the old-yet-enthu Vice Chancellor I mentioned a few days ago - he had stayed on a little longer. He's a very kind and articulate man who walks with purpose, with a camera and binoculars hanging off of his shoulders. We saw a hawk owl once more - it had bright yellow eyes and gave off red eye shine. On that particularly dark night, it was quite something. No matter how noisy the congregation of birders, the silence that follows a sighting like this one tells you more about it than words can.

A lot of fraternizing happened in general today in the library, which was fun on the whole. I find that even lighthearted chatter and tangential conversation in that library or around the dinner table tends to teach me a smidgen more about the islands than I previously knew.

Akshay was preparing to leave for Baratang tomorrow. Also, Naushad (scooter; Switz) and I agreed on 22 k. The day got better post-samosa.


*Rana is the pet name for Dr. Anindya Sinha - my lead adviser. He's one of India's most renowned primatologists, and it still tickles me to think that I've gotten to know him so closely over the past two years, when I was utterly star-struck and afraid to speak in his company when I first met him.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Day 5 - Nicobar Diaries

Today was an uneventful day. Akshay and I went around town running some errands. We printed out some data sheets, permit letters and then checked a few more places for a reasonably-priced second hand scooter. After looking at the garages and showrooms we knew of and coming up blank, we went to Switz for some tea (They have surprisingly tasty milk tea, even though they never advertise it. The tea simply appears from their closed kitchen door if you ask for some).

While paying up, Akshay took a chance and asked the cashier if he knew anyone who was looking to sell their scooter and JACKPOT. He wanted to sell his own. A black Activa of the H-series, four years old. I love how accessible people can be when you're in the islands. The inhibition to approach someone new and talk about anything drops several fold.

He wanted 25 thousand for it. We exchanged numbers and I test-drove it in the evening before heading back to ANET. It rode really well. It didn't have mirrors, but that's one of the easier and cheaper things to get fixed anyway. I asked him, Naushad, to consider giving it to me for 20 k and we left each other to mull over the offers. My project funding hadn't kicked in yet anyway, so I was in no hurry to part with money.

Akshay and I got a lot of inescapable time together today - bus rides, rickshaws, tea kadais and wifi cafes. It was nice - like a reassurance of what I already knew was a good friendship with the potential to last. Too bad we're going to be working at the two extremes of the islands.

Day 4 - Nicobar Diaries

12th November 2017, Chidiyatapu

Woke up early this morning to head to Chidiyatapu. It's about 1.5 hrs away from ANET with a bus change halfway through.

There's a biological park there with a handful of well-maintained enclosures for reptiles and mammals, along with a campus full of labeled large trees. It's a peaceful place to look at plants, work on tree-identification and simply go birding. I came to love the place, especially in the mornings before tourists came by, during my stay in the monsoon. I was stuck in Port Blair for 10 days longer than I intended to be back then (thanks to the fast-filling ship seats). I used that time to interview fishermen early in the morning and then watch the captive macaques at the Chidiyatapu Biological Park until it closed. I'd take the early bus towards the park, often with rain trickling into my useless raincoat through cracks in the bus, and get there in time for a cup of tea and samosa before it opened for the day. I came to know the Keeper fairly well in that time, and he would tell me colourful stories about the macaques' exploits (since I was his only available audience). I maintained a tiny notebook of what the monkeys did during the day, often dozing off in the afternoon along with them. They would roll their rotund, overfed selves into the shed in their otherwise open-aired enclosure and snooze in a primate bundle. I would sit on the tiny bench under the tiny roof opposite their enclosure, drenched from the rain, falling asleep over my soaking binoculars.

Although I was up and ready to head out early to the park like I used to, Akshay, Dayani and I soon realized that the rush of the Andaman Avian Bird Club (wonder why the felt the need for 'Avian' and 'Bird' in their name) would still be there till 10 am, owing to it being Salim Ali's birthday. We figured that it made little sense to set out that early and skip breakfast. Then, we noticed that Johnson* was making roti and chole, so that sealed the deal.

While walking down to the ghumai** later, we birded. We saw a juvenile crested hawk eagle and a HUGE flock of white-rumped munias. I've never seen so many together and up-close. They were mini-murmurating between the telephone wires and a rice field. Their calls seem like they're coming from way beyond - a gentle chatter lost in the breeze.

We got to Bathu Basti (en-route to Chidiya) only to realize that the next bus to Chidiyatapu was 1.5 hrs later. We killed time and money at Switz and ultimately took a rickshaw for lack of patience. The drive was lovely, as always. The blue of the sea had returned up to the shore post the monsoons (although it's still the season for occasional downpours).

Since we hadn't done lunch yet, we bought some samosas for later from the Aunty next to Cafe Infinity. She recognized me and asked where I'd been this whole time, leading to a small conversation in Tamil. It's always nice to be remembered by someone you remember well.

For the first time since my visit with Tarun, I did a whole round of the place with Dayani - I used to head straight to the monkeys ever since. It took us about half an hour to reach the monkey enclosure this time. I felt immediate relief and affection - a combination of emotions I reserve for seeing Chaplin*** healthy and well after a long time. The two juveniles were much larger than I last saw them. They were still in the maximum-time-spent-clinging-to-mom phase in June. Now, they were flinging themselves between branches without a care in the world. I had two long hours of solo observation with them before Akshay and Dayani joined me after looking at all the trees in the park.

Things I saw:
1. They flush insects out of the grass. They almost catwalk through the grass, parting the blades in their path with every step.

2. They catch flying insects from the air and eat them - like it's muscle memory.
3. The older female that seemed to be cast aside the first few times I was here still seems to be less socially involved in the group. Although there were no acts of aggression towards her, she kept to herself.
4. Lott, the Keeper I befriended the first time around, definitely had it wrong. He would insist that the zoo had four females co-existing in that enclosure and that their only male was kept separately at the back since he was too charged-up with testosterone. We would argue about this even then. Today, I observed how grooming led to the display of very red bottoms, which further led to the mounting and mating by the largest individual of the group - a male. Apart from the final mounting, I managed to record all the steps leading up to it - just in case I saw Lott and could do a victory lap.

People have ALL kinds of opinions about these monkeys. In the two hours that I sat there, many visitors came by, leaving me privy to their conversations. I was highly amused by their chatter -

"They are all kala bandar****. We should stay away."

"They are gorillas."

"They are from South Africa." (Confidently mentioned by boyfriend to girlfriend while standing over an information board that read 'Nicobar crab-eating macaque'.)

"They are pyaara and ittu-cute*****."

"They are very dangerous!"
An islander who was with his family recounted a story of how these monkeys severely mauled the face of a new Keeper about a year ago when he came in to feed them. His daughter, excited that his father struck up conversation with me, asked me for my binoculars and went closer to use them. Even though transition and habituation are important for species like these, I wonder how much truth is in these stories.

We emerged when it was getting dark, and another chai later, realized that the last bus back into town was bursting at its seams. We chanced upon Ravi - our trusty and resourceful cabbie who takes great pride in ferrying researchers around - who gave us a lift back to Bathu Basti. On the way, we found a molting Andaman pit viper crossing the road. We screeched to a halt and got to watch it painstakingly cross over to safety. A wonderful end to a long day.


*Johnson is one of the ANET boys who helps Sanjay cook and take care of our hunger-related grievances.
**Ghumai translates to a roundabout - it's about 1 km away from ANET where we catch buses to go into town.
***Chaplin was my ageing dog back in Bombay who I'd miss on all my travels. I used to have nightmares about waking up one morning and hearing that he was unwell or, God forbid, no more.
****Translates to 'black monkey' which is used in a derogatory sense very often.
*****lovable and tiny-cute!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Day 3 - Nicobar Diaries

11th November 2017, ANET

Got an early start this morning and went birding with Akshay, Madhuri, Mahima and a Vice Chancellor of a university on the mainland (I forget which one). This sweet and polished man had arrived at ANET last night with his wife. He was so intrigued by our visiting Andaman scops owl by the dinner table and all the chatter about the birds you see in and around campus that went along with it, that we enthusiastically volunteered to take him birding for the single day he was there for. At night, we took a walk down the road outside under the cloudless, starry sky looking for any snakes and/or owls. We were rewarded with an Hume's hawk owl (whose call we followed until sighted) and, sadly, snake roadkill. It was wonderful to see how excited this little man was to see the owl sitting in a tree, blinking into the street light. He tilted his golf cap to one side and tried to get a good photo of it, but then handed his camera to me to do the same - just in case his hadn’t turned out well enough.

After breakfast this morning, I noticed that I had an email about my human ethics application*. I finally had a format to work with, so I spent the rest of my day making sure all of it was in place. I was glad to finally be doing this systematically, after having taken a moral standpoint (in my head) about how unethical some other studies I had read about were. I was quite excited about all of the ethnographic work I was going to do, and writing out the application gave me the chance to really get into the details of what I had planned. I spent two hours being sidetracked reading papers and anthropological methods that looked at issues qualitatively. I also got my datasheets and ethogram** in place. I impressed myself with the outburst of productivity - but I know it was mostly a distraction from the fact that it was already the second week of November and I wasn't in Nicobar yet.

The ANET library

I then took a breather, had an icy bath (after much personal motivation) and decided to watch Baby Driver, since Chandy had been nagging me to for months. The smell of brewing chai dragged me out of the library and its falling geckos. The chai had drawn more than just me, so the rest of the evening transpired through multiple conversations about local fishing practices, the Nicobarese communities, social science, owls and local dogs. As tends to happen around a table (that converts into a makeshift table-tennis top) with fun and seasoned island researchers, I can barely remember how these topics came up.

Here’s a list of the birds we saw this morning:
Brown shrike (~3)
Andaman coucal (2)
Common mynah (many)
White-breasted waterhen (3)
Red collared dove (5)
White-headed starling (many)
Blue-eared kingfisher (for the first time! The blue is so vivid, even when the sun isn’t shining directly over it, that it looked unnatural. Like an image taken by a Photoshop enthusiast with the saturation taken up all the way.)
Plume-toed/glossy swiftlet (many)
Long-tailed parakeet (2)
Small minivet (5)
Black-naped oriole (2)
Greater racket-tailed drongo (3)
Olive-backed sunbird (3)
Red-whiskered bulbul (4) (these guys were never meant to be on the island - they were introduced and have now set up shop with resolve.)
Chestnut-headed bee eater (4)
Oriental white eye
Black-naped monarch (being chased by the white eye)
Vernal hanging parrot (3) (with a bright green Phelsuma/Andaman day gecko lying along the trunk of the same tree)
Oriental magpie robin
Collared kingfisher
Green imperial pigeon (3)
Andaman flowerpecker (I love how the islands have but a few species with ‘Andaman’ or ‘Nicobar’ before the bird group - makes them so easy-lazy to identify.)
White-throated kingfisher (2)
Crested serpent eagle (a long, clear and close sighting, just by the beach. Saw it catch and eat what I think was a lizard.)
Asian koel (female)
Common/Eurasian moorhen
Andaman drongo (2)


*Since I planned to do social surveys and talk to people from multiple communities about their lives with monkeys, I had to get a human ethics clearance before I could begin. After sending in my proposal twice and sending a bunch of emails, I finally discovered what was expected of me that^ day.
**An ethogram is a list of behaviours - along with their detailed, literal descriptions - that an animal could potential engage in. I had created one in advance for the Nicobar long-tailed macaques that I was about to study based off of what I had observed them doing during my recce visit in the monsoon.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Day 2 - Nicobar Diaries

10th November 2017, ANET

Another long day outside.

I went birding early this morning with another researcher here. The road just outside ANET is narrow and largely quiet - there are a couple of farms and woody patches to one side and the ANET littoral property on the other. The simplest birding route is winding, leading straight up to beach. The last time I was at that beach during my recce visit in the monsoon, I was wading ankle-deep in sandy muck. This time the ground was firm and dry. We saw coucals, white-headed starlings, green imperial pigeons, lots of chestnut-headed bee eaters and a single collared kingfisher.

Akshay and I went to Wimberly Gunj [Wandoor to Goal Ghar by bus > Goal Ghar to Chatam Jetty > A ferry across the jetty to Bamboo Flat > A share-gypsy to Wimberly]. Aforementioned researcher called it Waverly Gunj and I can’t stop saying that in my head. Today we got a lucky lift all the way to Goal Ghar from Wandoor - very welcome since we missed the last Subhashini and we’d have had to wait for another half hour for the next one. The ferry to B-Flat (as it is very coolly referred to) was breezy and sunny, with terns flying by us. I could see the silvery-green fish skirting the rusty edges as we broooooomed along. It was nice to be back here for work after the joy ride to Mt. Herriot in April’17 with Tarun.

We got to the Forest Department to meet a Mr. Tilak who seemed perfectly nice and soft-spoken. I simply tagged along since I didn’t have anywhere specific to be. I made some logistics-related phone calls along the way. My accommodation, local transport and field assistant situation in Great Nic still seemed vague and far from in-place even after making half a dozen calls. Either way, I was heading over there soon enough and that was all I needed to keep me going for the moment.

We came back via Haddo (where the FD is), so I could fax my arrival and project details to the Deputy Forest Officer in Campbell Bay. When I spoke to A* about needing to buy a scooter here before heading to Nicobar, she promptly sat me in her swanky Govt of India car to scout the garages that her ‘man’ had contacts with. Sadly, no luck. Worked for a while from the Department and then left.

Akshay and I went to Milky Way, an ice cream place in Haddo that promises half hour of free internet. Unfortunately, the free internet was just 2% of a wifi bar. We soon headed back. Stopped at a Garacharma** tea kadai*** for a nice, stiff cup of chai and day-dreaming of the months to come before pushing ourselves into one of the last (crowded) Subhashinis headed homeward.

*From yesterday’s post
**A midpoint bus stop on the way to Wandoor - essentially a strip of road that has a few tea stalls, mechanics and 3 privately run buses competing for commuters at any given point.
***A Tamil word for tiny corner shops

Friday, April 5, 2019

Day 1 - Nicobar Diaries

9th November 2017, Andaman and Nicobar Environment Team (ANET) field base, Wandoor

We got here late last evening, just in time to kick start the field season with all the ANET veterans and Sanjay's* food - cooked in his characteristic there's-a-party-tonight haste. 

With a lot on my mind, I hardly got any sleep last night. I completely awoke with the sun at around 5 am, listening to the Andaman shama's oddly husky song. I was ready to go to the Forest Department and plead for work permits way before I needed to be. Akshay** was still asleep, recuperating from the previous night. I was sitting outside the ANET hall waiting until it was time to leave when I saw four young skinks that seemed to have just hatched. I watched the tiny, skinny, glossy fellows until they all dispersed. Even at that early stage, it seemed like they had their own personalities. Two scurried away in a terrible hurry, one was ever-cautious (finally choosing to take shelter under the stone slab he emerged from) and one basked openly and began foraging. I must have been watching them for nearly an hour.

We stopped at Delanipur for breakfast (hello again, Kerala parotta) and some scooter inquiries which got me nowhere***. We then went to A's office in the Van Sadan building - I was meeting her for the first time. She was dressed in a crisp, well-ironed, classy-coloured saree; she got up and shook my hand. She immediately seemed like a person who is both well-aware of her power and careful about how she uses it.

Together, we drafted a letter to B, requesting the provision of permits without my proposal going through the Research Advisory Committee. It was utterly useless, though. He was a large-headed, spectacled wall off of which my pleas bounced back and smacked me in the face. He asked me to meet C instead.

Although C looked like an intimidating diamond merchant who was cheesed off with the world, he seemed to be the only person from the Forest Department who had the clarity of thought to know how and when to break through the bureaucracy. He sat back in his large, black chair, rubbing his eyes as though in exasperation, while he told me things like****:
1. You have to tell these department people to keep their ideas to themselves. When their work load is light, they end up harassing people like you with unnecessary meetings.
2. Are you mad? Who asked you to submit a proposal to begin with? You've got yourself into this mess. You don't even need permits.
3. Damned people, all sitting around like they're unemployed. No one does any real work, they just spread tension.
4. (When A mentioned that I was worried sick about not getting permits) Oh no, then why did I tell her to go ahead? I could have kept her in tension for another 10 days (followed by hysterical laughter).
5. You just want to stand on the road and look at monkeys like a tourist would, right? So go! Quietly head to Great Nicobar and don't hand in any more papers.

 He didn't even look at my paperwork. I couldn't tell whether to be relieved or worried further about the unofficial shadiness. But then again, it isn't unofficial or illegal since I don't really need a permit. I decided to stay relieved. I called the Deputy Forest Officer in Campbell Bay (Great Nicobar Division) and informed him of the situation. It was all good (?).

Somehow, I had the go-ahead I needed on the FIRST DAY. My schedule suddenly moved up a couple of weeks and I had nothing but logistics to figure out.

On the way back to ANET, I stopped by Switz Bakerz for a celebratory piece of cake. The moment I squeezed onto the Subhashini bus, heard the familiar playlist of obscure Bollywood songs and shared a nod of recognition with the conductor, everything began to sink in and feel normal. Plus, I had Sanjay's cooking to look forward to at the end of it all. 

Took a walk up to the beach with Akshay before turning in at night. On the way back, I looked up at the sky and remembered my walk along the same path on the last night of our marine biology course in the islands. That night, I had welled up immensely, wondering if I'd ever have the opportunity to come back to this place which felt so strangely like home. I felt silly in that moment for ever worrying.

* Sanjay is one of the ANET field staff - a brilliant cook with low tolerance for dilly-dallying, an obscure sense of humour, fantastic taste in dance music and the latest "in" hairstyle.
** Akshay is my former batch mate, dear friend and tree-ID whiz. We envisioned our master's projects in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and got to travel together and meet intermittently because of it. He's beautiful.
*** I needed to buy a scooter in Port Blair so I could put it on a ship and transport it to Great Nicobar where I'd be doing my field work.
**** All of this was in Hindi in my diary, translated here for better understand-ability. It has, in the process, lost some magic.

My Days in Nicobar

It's now been almost a year since I got back to Bangalore from Great Nicobar and I miss it as much as I did on my first day away. I was flipping through the pages of my bursting-at-its-seams field diary, feeling nostalgic and emotional, when I felt incredibly stupid. I was holding a bundle of special moments, natural history and oddities of the island's humanity, and in that moment all of it felt moot.

With the rosy idea of putting my daily jottings into a book some day, I scrap-booked and chronicled obsessively; now, I know that it will be several years (and more research) before that happens. In the meanwhile, I have decided to relive my time there by digitizing my memories here one day at a time.

Come tomorrow (and morrow and morrow and morrow), I'll have much to share.

(^She's *looking out* for upcoming posts)