Saturday, June 25, 2016


Greyscale photography focuses on the details and shadows. The unspoken-of outlines that get lost among the bright colours surrounding them. While photographing an animal or a bird, it draws attention to each shaft of fur, each whisker, the dull tones on the underside of a bird's wing. It allows one to appreciate the animal and the moment for what they are - the muscles and sinews, the veins and angles. It lets you play with the sun and discover how it plays with your subject, in turn. 

When I look at a black and white still from when I was behind the camera, it takes me back to that moment and freezes it in time. I can relive that moment with a clarity greater than a coloured image would let me, and that touch of palpable recollection is why I love using this palette. It's why other greyscale photography gives me goosebumps and penetrates my mind with a sharper ferocity than any other kind. 

It's easy to fall in love with vibrancy and  bright hues. But to look into the dull depths of a grey canvas and discover life within is to truly understand and love the animal despite the colours it wears.