Saturday, April 23, 2011

Random Ramblings

ever have a day when you're just not hungry?
or feel like you're floating in space?
you see monkeys dangling from the treetops.
and horses going gallop everywhere.
at this point you're wondering if you're dreaming.
so you slap yourself on the cheek.
but that doesn't work.
so you look on.
and what do you find?
5 people staring at you.
there appears to be something wrong with you.
you look about you.
you find wings.
you realize you can fly.
so you spread your wings and take off.
what do you see from up there?
you see a giraffe looking up at you.
you wave hello to him.
he looks perplexed.
but then he gets up and begins to do the boogie.
it looks groovy.
you stop flying and come down to him.
he looks a lot taller now.
but it doesn't matter to you.
so you do the jive.
he does the boogie.
and you do the jive.
and when you're tired of this,
you begin to walk away.
the giraffe hasn't had enough.
he continues to boogie.
you find a tree.
you are tempted to climb it.
you check your day's agenda.
you find that you can fit in sitting on a tree.
so you climb it and sit there.
you sit and you sit.
and you sit and you sit.
then you see a woodpecker staring at you.
he doesn't like you.
you decide you've sat long enough.
you get down.
you fly.
you go home.
so if you weren't dreaming what was it?
the answer my friend?
you had lost it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

The ever adorable expressions of a dog, the photogenic poses of a cat and the heart warming bond between the two make for beautiful pictures.