Thursday, June 14, 2012

Juhu Chhaapa

Almost every little girl in Mumbai has put chaapa-mehendi. The strong smell of Mehendi combined with tea leaves and other oils that comes from their stamp pad makes me nostalgic.  

It's A Magical World

Juhu beach is the essence of mumbai. It’s where people from all classes, rich or poor come to lose themselves and have fun. Adults become kids again. Kids take off their clothes and dive into the waves. They eat gola and drip it all over their clothes. This boy here, strayed away from his mother to jump around, playing with the bubbles. He was lost in his own peaceful world. Just him and the bubbles.

Chota Shah Rukh

I see big dreams in this little boy’s eyes. Perhaps one day he’ll be famous. The future is full of possibilities. In a city like Mumbai, ANYTHING can happen to ANYONE.

Everything But Money

On seeing me taking photos of her grandson, this dear granny requested me to take a photograph of them together. Never before have I captured so genuine a smile. It was touching to take this picture and share this family’s joy.

Gajra- Dus ka Chaar

Children growing up on the streets with their families are forced to grow up faster than those living in sophisticated high rises. The masses of mumbai toil and work hard to support the richer classes. And even in the seemingly small jobs that these wonderful children do, there is dignity and pride.

Shit Happens

I wonder what this man is thinking… perhaps he’s just tired… or maybe even bored… maybe waiting for the phone to ring. Shit happens with us all, yet we put it behind us and move on. Isn’t that what the real spirit of Mumbai has always been?

My World In A Bag

Sitting on his chapals, this man, with his bag of belongings was just waiting. Waiting perhaps for a bus or a friend, for a job or family…or maybe just for tea time. Comfortable in his make-shift seat, he wasn’t in a hurry to go anywhere.

The art critic

Opposite St. Xaviers College, this old lady in her bright red saree caught my eye. She was strolling down the road and checking out the paintings and graffiti. Who can say what was going through her mind?

Aata mi kay karu?

Every Mumbaikar has been faced by a clerk or a policeman who said, “aata mi kai karu?”. It’s the laid back attitude that we all joke about. Yet, somehow, things get done. We’re a lazy but active folk!

Salaam Mumbai

This picture was a lot of fun for me to take, but not nearly as much fun as it was for these children! They were thrilled to be photographed and posed immediately with a salute. It was their 30 seconds of fame and they enjoyed every bit of it.

Just Chilling Yaar

These two children were sitting nonchalantly on the divider near Dharavi. This scene was irresistably photogenic. So often around Mumbai we see children playing, hanging around and just living their lives without a care in the world. It really makes you realize that there’s a lot to admire about the spirit of this city and its people.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

"LOL" material

The following is the very important message printed on the cover of a children's plastic scale. I just can't get over this:

" Matters Needing Attention:

1) This product is easy to burning, aloof the high temperature please, because maybe beget any danger and the product's definition distort.

2) The product only befit measure and study, unable to do other definition's measure.

3) Needed the paterfamilias accompany, if the children haven't 3 years. "

Saturday, June 2, 2012

It was a dark and stormy night...

The following is what I typed out on my grandfather's old typewriter. I've always loved using it. It has been years since I used it for anything. ( Isn't it ironic how out-dated machines fascinate us so much more than all our new-fangled technology? )
I just needed an excuse to use it. Here's a nonsense story- put down on the spur of the moment with no idea or inspiration behind it...except, perhaps, Snoopy.... 

"  It was a dark and stormy night. The sound of the chill breeze blowing through the gaps in the trees and the eerie darkness was blood curdling. Shadows seemed life-like, for even life seemed shadow-like. The trees swung violently in the wind. The leaves flung off branches and made for the ground. Downward they spiraled, often getting carried far from their parent tree. Foxes stealthily made for shelters through the fur-drenching rain. Squirrels dashed into tree hollows and wrapped their long, furry tails around their shivering young. The monkeys sat on their haunches up in the trees, trying to evade the pouring rain in a canopy of leaves. As lightening broke through the black sky, the startled primates jumped in their seats, lost their balance and gripped the branches with their tails just in time-only to be startled again by the thunder. They made for the undergrowth in desperation as one would dive for ice on receiving a nasty burn.

Speaking of burns, one particular monkey had received one just that morning. At a nearby campsite, some other primates who seemed in no way different from him apart from the fact that they wore clothes, had left the overnight campfire to die out. The coals were still hot. The red gleam from the coals attracted his attention and he jumped right onto them. Not expecting the heat, he leaped up and landed on his buttocks. The heat launched him ten feet into the air. Luckily, he landed away from the wretched things this time. He had run off yelping. Now, this particular monkey was thanking his stars. This cool rain, no matter how stormy, on this dark night, was for him- an ice pack. He climbed victoriously to the top of his tree and hoisted his backside in the air. His sore arse was now soothed.

And so, this dark and stormy night was perhaps destined to ease the burning bum of the monkey who thought he was doomed to the life of a red bummed baboon.  "