Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Off the top of my mind

I can't believe how long it's been since I last blogged. There seems to be a dearth of things to say. Or maybe I talk too much and run out of things to write about. Either way, something's got to change. And so here I am, writing an article with absolutely no topic in mind.
I seem to be going through a series of phases in quick succession. There was a period when I loved the company of like-minded, fun and interesting people. Now I seem content even without it. I'm starting to realize the importance of some 'me' time everyday again. It felt good to finally get back to reading. It felts good to dance again. It felt good to dust off my diary and make my first entry in 3months. It felt good to take my camera out and get some good shots. And all this without having to compromise on my friendships. Why then, was I depriving myself of these little, easy joys for so long?
I want to start being more organized. Get my timings straightened out. My life is turning into one wherein 24 hours just doesn't suffice. I hit the sac every night thinking of five things I would've liked to do which I didn't. I resolve, with you as witness, to make that change.
On a lighter note, it has finally begun to rain again! The last two days have been wet ones with at least a drizzle in the air. The cracked, dense clouds that filled the sky yesterday took my breath away. It filled me with a squirmy happiness. During the day, the trees were glistening green, with their barks a deep brown. The air felt heavy with the full clouds breaking overhead. The chilled breeze on my face and neck was welcoming after the endless days of heat. My wet shoes and socks clung to my feet.
The feeling of being warm and dry after being cold and damp all day was heavenly. Much better than being safe and dry all along.
Here's what I memo'd last night-- ' Now I sit at my window, looking into the inky-black sky; the pitter-patter of the raindrops clear on the empty road. A cold wind makes me shiver, but I like it. I'm in a strangely pensive and peaceful place. A sense of unknown happiness. I'd like to walk this lonely road with a close friend. Walk in silence, just knowing we're there together, sharing the tranquility around us, soaking in the rain and calm.'