Monday, November 28, 2011

Yes, quite.

Being in a sober place doesn't necessarily mean being sad.
Being happy isn't just about laughing or being in a chirpy mood.
Being content and quiet once in a while just means you're calmly, peacefully, implicitly happy. 
This I realized, however, after a bit of brain-searching.
Saturday was such a day for me. I felt rather low, or to be more accurate- not in the highest spirits. I wondered why- since I had nothing to be sad about or to brood over. But then, I wasn't sad. I couldn't call myself happy either. What was I? And this inability to understand what was wrong with me soured my mood further. It was only later I found that I needed to give myself a break from the hyper-happiness and enjoy the silent-happiness once in a while too. Nothing wrong with it, provided I don't lead myself into too monotonous a mood wherein I do end up feeling low. No, I don't want to be an ever solemn Dalai Lama. But I'll know better than to curse the lack of high spirits next time I'm in that mood.
Being mad is, and always will be my favourite state of mind. When I say mad, I mean the kind of mood that would make you say things like:
"You can see the moonlight dancing off my watchman's bald head like car headlights in the sea."
"I've been peeing so often, I'm going to set up camp in the bathroom!"
"Breeze blows because there's air in the air."
"While making maggi noodles I realized that adding a solute to water increases the boiling point of water."
"There are so many cats in this house, I could pick up 'meow' faster than German."
"Do you see those floating while bubbles in the blue, blue sky?"
and so on and so forth....
Yep, it is definitely the best mood to be in. But I can't spend all my days rambling on like that, can I? So I'll just accept the fact that I need to mix it up a bit with the occasional Dalai Lama. Peace be unto all. Ho Hum. 

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