Monday, May 20, 2013

Birds and animals we saw

I maintained this list while riding along the curvaceous roads in the old Gypsy. The encircled numbers are day numbers. We saw a whole lot of blue sheep. One group was nonchalantly grazing within 10 meters of us. The birds were numerous and pretty. They were little exciting gems that popped up every now and again. The cutest animal we encountered would have to be the pika. Like a rather large hamster, it just sat there doing nothing. The partridges are odd birds. Shaped like a bowling pin, they waddle around the place looking silly. Well here they all bees.

Brown-hooded gulf

Blue sheep bums

Lammergeier (what is spelled as lamagair in my list.)

The royal pika

The royal pika still sitting.

Blue sheep- male and female.

Wagtail and white-tailed redstart. 


Female redstart

Many blue sheep. (The way they glide up steep mountain sides is astounding.)

Dzomo- a very large cow (female).

Shaggy and umm, cheeky cow.

Lizard (can you spot it?)

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