Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Day Twenty Seven

In Calcutta, tea and other drinks from roadside stalls are served in terracotta glasses and pots. Knowing that all we get in Mumbai are plastic or paper cups, I kept all the glasses that I drank in to bring home.
Drinking from them is so refreshing. They keep tea warm and nimbu paani cold. They feel lovely in my hand and against my lips. Seeing boxes full of discarded cups made me want to bring them all home. It's nice to have found a metropolitan city independent of glass and plastic, one that's so integrally eco-friendly.

Today, Ilina and I painted the pots and cups that I brought home. We had nice, light conversation and had an interesting discussion about the gradation of the way paint gets absorbed along the inside of the glass. I painted two. One was black with yellow stick figures and birds on it while the other was red with abstract black markings on it. Funny looking things. It's been ages since I painted. I wonder why.

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