Friday, June 6, 2014

Unhappy or Unmotivated?

I stopped blogging about every day's occurrences for a number of reasons. However, the main reason behind this was the fact that it was starting to become an obligation. When I started this blog, I started it simply because I wanted to write- to share, with anyone interested, the things that interest me, that pick at my mind or that matter to me. The 100 Happy Days challenge was something I believed I could do, and being an emotional fool, I enjoyed ranting about charming bits of my days. But I soon noticed that the entire exercise was becoming something I had to do, it was becoming a job of sorts. Teental isn't my job and I don't want to ever punch time cards for it. So, I've been happy, I've had the little joys of life and a number of pictures to go with them, but I have no intention of parading these things deliberately- especially when I haven't much to say about these moments. Sometimes, all you need to do is smile that something happened and allow your mind to tuck it away someplace safe for it to be nostalgia some day.

I was missing out on the writing I wanted to do because I dedicated my blog-time to writing about mundane things. Soon, I began putting it off, leaving the blog unupdated. 'Why?', I asked myself. 'It's simple', a voice replied, 'You're putting it off because it's something you have to do.' This voice was right. I always procrastinate when it comes to assignments, chores, academics, jobs- I always wait for the last-minute panic siren to go off before I get down to getting these things done.

So, what DOES motivate me to write?

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