Friday, June 28, 2013


I have this best friend.

She's been my besht-est-type-of-friend since our school days. We connected instantly when we were made to sit with each other in class and ever since we've been like sisters. Wait, what am I saying? We are sisters only.
We have eaten a million fattening meals together, each time saying it would be our last. We've had innumerable sleepovers. In fact, we don't call it that anymore. Her home is mine and mine is her's. Who has a sleepover in their own house? We've bought nearly everything we own together. We know everything about each other. Perhaps, we know each other better than anyone else knows either of us.

I love this woman.
I love this woman and all her quirks. This totally mad woman who came into my life and changed me. Who nurtured the little kid inside me and taught me to never let her go. Who I can always be myself with- unconditionally. Who helped me through all my tough times and who's laughed like a demented donkey with me for the last 6years straight. Who calls to taunt me every time she eats a red velvet cupcake without me and then goes on to send me pictures of it. Who has the most comfortable boxers in the world that I'm hell bent on stealing sometime soon. Who gets my every sad joke and laughs at them like they were cracked by Bill Cosby. Who has encouraged every ridiculous idea I've had. Who fights with my little sister just as much as I do. Who has a twisted and at times, stupid sense of humor. Who is the most talented girl I've ever met.
She also has several loose screws in her head and chews on her nails like she's got chocolate stuck in them but I cannot for the life of me find a single fault in her.
Moreover, I cannot imagine there ever being a time when we wouldn't be friends. I'd feel terribly incomplete and vacant. She's stuck with me for the rest of her cheery life and I'm stuck with her for the rest of mine. But I doubt either of us have any problem with that.
Mallika, me lou. You are the lots of things and also many other things to me- you could say everything. Very special you are in every way. This may have been supremely cheesy but these were things that had to be said. Forgive me for this public display of affection.
I shall spare you any further nail biting or blushing by wrapping this up and saying that there's no one on this planet who could ever take your place because you are just that awesome and monkey-like. Ma behfrand.

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