Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Pune Pics Pliss

I popped my memory card into the laptop to have a look at what was on it and found a handful of picures I took in Pune. On the 4th of April, I acted upon an impulsive decision to visit Chikoo in Pune, where she now studies, and spend one night there. My weekend surpassed a regular day in Mumbai by a wide margin.
From drinkning Irani chai to riding tripsy on a scooter, we managed to squeeze in immense amounts of food and laughter into two days. The fact that I returned with only about twenty pictures on my camera itself proves that I was far too busy making memories to document them.

Here's some visual nostalgia.

Some kids loafing around while their parents shop at a Books By Weight sale.

Such swag, no?

My camera bag, equipped with a portable water bottle and loaded with party-whistle-streamer things I bought for some friends.

An old parsi uncle reading in what seemed like a deserted, British-style bungalow.

A motor repair shop next to a tree that housed a kite nest and its young chick.

Two boys with buckets full of the aforementioned party-whistle-streamers.

One of them showing off how far the whistle goes.

Irani chai at Good Luck Cafe. And bun maska, of course.

Bought and piled with pride- books from Books By Weight.

Piles of abridged books in a sweet place called Book World. We sat on the floor staring at these books for longer than should be acceptable.

Bus stop contemplation/zoned-out man.

A worker inside Fergussen College.

What I think is the kitchen door to the canteen at Fergussen.

Books By Weight Chairperson doing business over the phone with nothing short of a hundred boxes full of books looming behind him.

Scrumptious spinach, mushroom and cream cheese sandwiches at a quaint cafe called Le Plaisir.

Chikoo helping me make note of all the food we were eating as we awaited our order at Le Plaisir. Behind her is a wall covered in post-its written by doting customers (who are incidentally brilliant at doodling).


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