Saturday, December 3, 2011

bada-bing, bada-bong.

Gosh I love to walk. A brisk, long walk everyday is called for. Throwing in the occasional jog. Got my hair up in a high pony and my headphones on my head, good music coming in through my ears- I walk. I walk and walk and walk. Sometimes I find it hard to stop even after my one hour. Especially if another song with the right beat starts playing. It feels go-od. I feel energized, enthused. And there's no better feeling than stretching out your tired muscles after a long walk. As I sit sweaty faced, sweaty haired, sweaty clothed overlooking the sea after my walk, the cool breeze and the waving water puts me in what I call a 'la la mood'. I feel so happy! It's the moment of the day when I say to myself, "Ah, this is the life." It may sound strange, but it's true. I hate having to come back home after my walk. But then I'll be back the next day- so it's not so hard to peel myself away.
Back home, out of my sweat-soaked clothes, with a glass full of cool orange juice-  that's contentment.

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